You can setup Afanasy to Wake-On-LAN machines.
Wake-On-LAN work-flow:
Server sends a message to client to ask him to sleep.
Client receives message from server to sleep.
Client executes a wolsleep command which can be customized in Afanasy configuration.
Client falls a sleep.
Server does not receive updates from client and make it offline.
Server "decides" to wake a render up.
Server adds a task wolwake mac1 .. macN to system job wake-on-lan block.
wolwake command can be customized in Afanasy configuration.
Another online and ready render executes the task.
This task sends magic packet for each mac address of a sleeping render to a broadcast address.
It is a small Python script provided with CGRU.
Render wakes up.
If is a new feature. Not well tested.
You can wake and sleep renders by afwatch GUI and afcmd command.
See server configuration about XML configuration files.
render_cmd_wolsleep = wolsleep
Sleep command performed by a render client.
render_cmd_wolwake = wolwake
Wake command constructed by a server and performed on a online client by the system job.
sysjob_wol_service = wakeonlan
Service type for Wake-On-LAN system block.
This parameter is commented in default configuration, "system" name used.