Since 1.6.7 (at 2012.12.03) site moved to
Afanasy User
User Attributes:
Name - Each user has an unique name. If new user comes to server with the name which already exists, server change it's name by adding a number.
Need - Not solved user with greatest need value will get next free host (if he or his jobs are able to do it). We are simply sorted by this value in solving function. Need depends on user's priority and number of running hosts.
Solved - User successfully solved (produced a task) at last solving cycle.
Host Name - Host name where last job was send from.
Hosts Number - Total number of hosts all running jobs user has.
Online Time - Time when user was registered on server.
User Editable Parameters:
Permanent - User exists in database (and his parameters are stored if server restarts). Not permanent with no jobs will be deleted.
Priority - User with greater can have more running tasks number (get more render hosts). need = pow( 1.1, priority) / (runningtasksnumber + 1.0)
Each priority point gives 10% hosts bonus (running tasks number).
Maximum Hosts - Maximum number of hosts all user jobs can take.
Hosts Mask - User run only on renders which host name matches this