

Since 1.6.7 (at 2012.12.03) site moved to

Afanasy in 3D Studio MAX

Afanasy Window

CGRU - > Afanasy...


This is a job from CGRU examples.


Second job submitted with specified batch render and camera.

  • Job Name - Job name. Scene name by default.
  • Start Frame - First frame to render.
  • End Frame - Last frame to render.
  • By Frame - Render every Nth frame.
  • Frames Per Task - Number of frames in one task.
  • Override Camera - Select camera to render.
  • Override Output Image - Specify output image.
  • Use Scene Folder As WDir - Use scene file folder as render process working directory. 3D Studio Max, its plugins sometimes change working directory. With this option it will be always the scene folder.
  • Specify Working Directory - Set custom working directory.
  • Render Batch View - Select batch view to render.
  • Priority - Job order in user job list, '-1' - use default priority.
  • Max Hosts - Maximum number of hosts job can capture (running tasks limit), '-1' - no limit.
  • Capacity - Job tasks capacity, '-1' - use default value.
  • Depend Mask - Wait same user jobs names pattern.
  • Global Depend - Wait any user jobs names pattern.
  • Hosts Mask - Job can run only on hosts which names match this pattern.
  • Exclude Hosts - Job can not run on hosts which names match this pattern.
  • Save Temporary Scene - Copy scene to temporary file to render. It allows user to continue working with original file.
  • Start Job Paused - Send job in offline state.
Since 1.6.7 (at 2012.12.03) site moved to Project


Libre Graphics World