

Since 1.6.7 (at 2012.12.03) site moved to

Afanasy Job Task

Task Attributes:

Tasks are not stored anywhere. Tasks are generated by blocks. You can't change task, change block attributes to change generated tasks.
  • Name - Task name. Generated, if block is numeric.
  • Working Directory - Path where to execute the command (and preview command).
  • Command - Command to execute.
  • Parser Type - Parser type name - method to parse command output and calculate task running progress.
  • Files - (Optional, may be empty) Argument to provide to preview command to show frame (path to the image relative to task working directory, or absolute path).

Task Progress:

  • Start Time - Time when task was started (last start).
  • Finish Time - Time when task was finished (last finish).
  • Start Count - Number of times task has started (it can be manually or automatically restarted).
  • Percent - Running task progress percentage.
  • Frame - Running frame for multiframe tasks which can be produced by numeric blocks when frames per render parameter > 1.
  • Percent Frame - Running percentage of current running frame for multiframe tasks which can be produced by numeric blocks when frames per render parameter > 1.
  • Errors - Number of times task produced an error.
  • Error Hosts - List of hosts and number of times where task was finished with error.

Task State:

  • Read RDY - Task can be executed.
  • Running RUN - Task is running.
  • Done DON - Task is done.
  • Error ERR - Task finished with error or failed to start.
  • Skipped SKP - Task skipped.
  • Warning WRN - Warning from parser.
  • Parser Error PER - Error from parser.
  • Parser Bad Result PBR - Bad result from parser.
Since 1.6.7 (at 2012.12.03) site moved to Project


Libre Graphics World